
A state of natural beauty, where people come to camp, live, and enjoy the scenery, Maine brings people together for many other reasons as well. The operation of a vehicle in Maine requires that the driver has car insurance. The law requires that people provide proof of insurance to register their vehicle, if they are pulled over, or if they are involved in an accident. Take some time to figure out what amount of coverage you will need to protect your assets. Automobile insurance requirements for Maine include liability insurance coverage and medical payments coverage. Also, Maine requires uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage in its laws.

Virginia ranks so highly for a number of reasons, but one of the main ones is the state requires drivers to carry uninsured motorist coverage. In addition, Virginia has an extremely competitive insurance market, with more than 400 insurance carriers offering coverage in the commonwealth.

North Carolina
North Carolina is another mostly rural state, with a large chunk of the state covered by mountains. More rural areas mean fewer residents and less density, which leads to less expensive car insurance rates. Competition is high in the Tar Heel state as well, and there are more than 2,000 auto insurance discounts offered among all insurance companies.

According to Ripley's Believe It Or Not, the most crooked street in the world is located in Iowa. Fortunately for you, not all roads in the state are as crooked, and driving in the state is pretty easy to do. Only one town in the state is located on an island, and that is Sabula. Even so, there are many places to travel and visit, and the people of the state are fantastic. Iowa is the home of more golf courses per capita than any other state. It is also the place where sliced bread was invented. Next time you hear somebody talking about something being the best thing since sliced bread, you can let them know sliced bread was invented in Davenport.

Idaho can be a fantastic place to raise a family and enjoy life. Known as a relaxing state, it has some great roads for driving and incredible people living across it. In the state, car insurance is mandatory for all drivers. Knowing the minimum requirements for insurance in the state is essential, but also keep in mind that liability insurance coverage only provides payments towards costs of injury to people in the other car and damage to property of other people. The minimum requirements for insurance in Idaho might not be enough to service your needs if an automobile accident occurs. Due to this, you may decide to get additional automobile insurance coverage to further protect yourself in certain situations and in certain amounts.

Did you know that the first ambulance service was established in the state of Ohio in Cincinnati, in 1865? Also, Cleveland has the distinction of being the American city with the first traffic light. There are many Ohio facts that surround motor vehicles, and with so much to explore in the state, like the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Cleveland Museum of Art, there are plenty of great places to drive to.

Wisconsin is known for its thousands of streams, having over 7,500 streams and rivers in the state. There are enough rivers and streams, in length, to circle the globe at the equator. Being a larger state, people are surprised to know that it is not one of the most populous. Travel by automobile is common, with some people stating that it is necessary. Wisconsin is considered the dairy capital of the country and is home to many families.

With a lower population than the majority of states in the country, coming in at just over 600,000 people, Vermont still has many drivers living in the state. It is the second-lowest population state in the United States, and Montpelier is the smallest capital in the United States in terms of population. The state has been claimed by both New Hampshire and New York at various points in its history. A relaxing place to live, there are many farms and towns in Vermont. With many places to visit, including neighboring states, having a car provides significant benefits. To drive in the state of Vermont legally, drivers must meet certain car insurance requirements.

Surprisingly, many people feel that because Hawaii is one of the smaller states, a vehicle is not a huge benefit. Many people find benefits to driving in the state of Hawaii, and to do so, they will need a valid insurance policy that meets the minimum requirements of the state. People who are living in Hawaii are not all on vacation and having a good time, but they do need to be aware that there are drivers in the state who are operating vehicles without insurance.

New Hampshire
The first potato ever planted in the United States was planted in New Hampshire. It is also the home of the first free public library in the United States. Though the state's motto is “Live Free or Die,” there are still rules that need to be followed when it comes to automobile insurance. In every one of the ten counties, 13 municipalities, 221 towns, and 22 unincorporated places in the state, automobile insurance must be purchased to drive legally on the roadways.

Indiana is the 38th largest state in the United States but is also the 17th most populated of them all. With large numbers of people driving on the roads every day, automobile insurance is necessary to protect drivers in the state. Indiana is home to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, and it is also the state that Lewis and Clark left from towards their exploration of the Northwest Territory. Exploring the state means having a car insurance policy in order to drive legally. There are many types of automobile insurance, but not all of them are required by the state.

Many people live in Alaska, but for people moving there, some day-to-day life knowledge is not at the forefront of their minds yet. Just like almost every other state, Alaska has requirements for automobile insurance to drive legally.

No matter what state you’re driving in, accidents happen. While many people are safe drivers, these accidents can still lead to substantial expenses, including paying for other people’s medical bills or damage to other people’s properties. This is one of the reasons that insurance policies are required in the state of Washington. Whenever you are driving on any of the states motorways, having a valid auto insurance policy is mandated by law. Learn the requirements, as well as the ways to find the cheapest car insurance policies in Washington here.

The first department store in the country was located in the state of Utah and is still in operation today. The state also has one of the most deserted sections of interstate in the country. With a wide range of weather types in many beautiful things to see, Utah has over 2.25 million people in the state, including many drivers. Legally driving in Utah involves meeting requirements for auto insurance plans. By following the requirements put forth by the state, you can avoid fines, fees, and other penalties.

Illinois might be best known for the city of Chicago, but there are many other fantastic things about the state as well. With fantastic farmland, great roads, and a wide variety of natural beauty, Illinois has become a very popular place for people to live and is a fantastic place to raise a family. To keep your family and your finances safe, you will need to meet at least the minimum requirements for automobile insurance and Illinois as a driver. In addition, many people decide to buy additional automobile insurance coverage to further protect themselves in specific situations. Some of these situations include when they are responsible for a car crash, when they have taken out financing on the vehicle, and other situations as well.

The state of Massachusetts is the home of for American presidents and is also home to the first subway station in the United States. Even so, cars are still the most popular form of transportation in the state, getting many residents and visitors from one place to the next. To drive legally in Massachusetts, however, drivers must have automobile insurance to protect themselves and others financially if a car crash occurs.

If you have ever wanted to see a rainforest, Omaha has the world's largest indoor rain forest. Getting to the Amazon and other places to see this sort of thing can be hard to do, but it is easy to get to one in Nebraska by automobile. While Nebraska has more miles of river than any other United State, most people get around using their vehicles. To drive legally in the state of Nebraska, minimum limits for car insurance must be purchased. Without them, fines, fees, and penalties can be administered.

Minnesota is known as the state with thousands of lakes, and it has over 10,000 of them to explore. The Mississippi rivers primary source is located in the state as well, Lake Itasca. In addition, it is the home of the Twin Cities and many cultural landmarks. In order to explore the many lakes in the state, the natural beauty in its borders, and meet its hospitable people, you will want to be able to drive. In the cities, there are many people who use bicycles, but to travel further distances, a vehicle is a great convenience.

Best known for the Grand Canyon and hot summers, a desert landscape that is filled with beauty, and the many roads to drive through and enjoy, welcome to Arizona. The state also has caves for people to check out and is the sixth largest state in the United States. There is a spot in Arizona where you can stand in four states that the same time, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah.

North Dakota
If you are excited by saving money, North Dakota is an excellent place to be driving in. Not only are there a multitude of ways for saving money on your automobile insurance plan, but the state has average car insurance rates that are over 12% less than the national average. Many variables are utilized to determine rates, including a person’s age, driving history, marital status, gender, and others as well. Knowing what the auto insurance requirements for North Dakota are, as well as the average costs for insurance in various places in the state, can help people find the best deals for car insurance.

There are a lot of unique things about Maryland that many people do not know, including that the state has many of the world’s oldest living people. There are numerous people over the age of 114. Many artists hail from the state, including author Tom Clancy. With many fantastic things to see, and the proximity to a wide variety of other states as well as Washington DC, driving provides a lot of conveniences.

South Dakota
People living outside of South Dakota know it for the iconic Mount Rushmore sculpture, where the faces of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln are carved. People in the state see a lot more, including a fantastic culture of people who are laid-back, friendly, and supportive of each other. One of the ways people can make sure that their friends, family, and neighbors are supported, is by making sure the auto insurance laws in the state are being fulfilled. It all starts with you.

New Mexico
New Mexico is a large state that is famous for its beautiful landscapes, including desert landscapes, mountains, and large open areas. The state has many open roadways that drivers and motorcycle users love to take advantage of. Driving in the state, whether for work or for pleasure, comes with specific requirements. Being able to provide valid proof of insurance is a legal requirement in the state, and that insurance must fit the minimum limits for auto insurance plans in New Mexico.

South Carolina
A state that has beautiful mountain roads, roads along the ocean, and roads that crisscross through many amazing cities in the state, South Carolina is a place that people travel to from all over the country. For people living in the state, driving is an essential part of getting around and taking advantage of everything South Carolina has to offer. To drive legally in the state, you must meet the minimum requirements for automobile insurance coverage. If you are unable to provide proof of insurance or do not have insurance at all, the penalties and costs can be vast.

Wyoming is the ninth largest state in the United States, so there is a lot to explore. It has a population of under 600,000 people, and the bison is its state animal. The Meadowlark is the state bird, and the state is a true gem in terms of natural resources and beautiful wildlife. Whether you need to get to work, want to visit loved ones, or are moving to the state to raise a family, an automobile is necessary to get around. With the responsibility of owning an automobile comes the responsibility of getting car insurance.

Alabama is a state with lots of roads, nature, cities, scenery, and more. Whether you are driving in the state for the first time or moving there to start a new part of your life, having an automobile is essential in most areas. In addition to having a reliable vehicle, drivers are required to have insurance policies to protect both themselves and others if an accident or crash occurs.

Montana is a larger state than most people believe. In addition, many resources come from the state. These include zinc, silver, lead, gold, timber, and zinc. The largest city in the state is Billings and the capital is Helena. Only one city has a population of more than 100,000 people, but automobile use is still prominent in the state. There are beautiful mountains that can be seen in the state, as well as lakes, farms, cities, towns, and more. Living in Montana does come with some responsibilities, with an automobile insurance plan required by law.

People buy car insurance policies to protect themselves in case a car accident occurs. This protection can help people deal with the large expenses that can come with an automobile accident. Knowledge is very important to have when it comes to determining the best car insurance companies and auto insurance plans to get coverage.

If you are a fan of fantastic nature, wonderful cities, and ghost towns, Oregon on might be a place that you are interested in. Not only does it have the best windsurfing in the world, but there are also more ghost towns in the state than in any other place in the country. Oregon is known for its great wilderness and trendy cities. With Portland, Seattle, and many other cities, there are also many roads crisscrossing the state.

Missouri has thousands of miles of roadway, and the number of licensed drivers in the state would surprise many people. With thousands of accidents happening in Missouri, like every other state, it can be a huge benefit to have an automobile insurance policy. Even if you do not get into an accident, the state of Missouri has car insurance laws that require people who have vehicles registered in the state to carry a minimum amount of insurance coverage.

West Virginia
Being the most southern of the northern states and the most northerly of the southern states, West Virginia is in a fantastic position in the country. It is close to the East Coast and located near a variety of other fantastic states. Almost 75% of the state is covered by forests, and it is home of the first electronic railroad in the world. The majority of people in the state use automobiles as their primary form of transportation and the state does require drivers to carry valid automobile insurance to drive legally. People who do not can be faced with steep fines, fees, and penalties.

With major industries situated in Tennessee, including mining, uranium products, music, farming, and more, the state is a place where many people decide to settle down and raise a family. With a relaxed attitude and large numbers of fantastic people, Tennessee is the home of the country music capital of the world.

Contrary to popular belief, The Wizard of Oz was not filmed in Kansas at all. Kansas is a charming place where many people find fantastic lives and raise their families. The state does not have the strongest public transportation systems out there, and having a car has major benefits. In order to drive legally in the state, an automobile insurance plan that meets the minimum requirements needs to be purchased.

Everyone knows that there are car insurance laws for a reason. Helping to keep people safe, state governments have implemented numerous ways to educate the public about safe driving. Also, to make sure that the roads and lights in their state are well-kept up. Some states are better at this than others, and many states have not done as good of a job as they should with educating drivers about automobile insurance requirements

If you are a new resident in Mississippi, welcome to the 32nd largest and 34th most populous state in the United States! Mississippi shares borders with Tennessee, Alabama, the Gulf of Mexico, and Louisiana with a population of nearly three million local inhabitants. With that many people in an area just over 48,000 square miles, it stands to reason that Mississippi drives are all in need of high quality affordable auto insurance for their vehicles.

Georgia is the home of the Master's golf tournament, the Georgia Aquarium, the Martin Luther King Junior National Historic Site, and has a lot of natural beauty in its mountains, farmlands, and coastal beaches. Insurance rates can vary quite a bit from one city to the next in the state, and knowing the auto insurance requirements in Georgia will help you find the best rates possible on your auto insurance plan. Georgia is the largest state east of the Mississippi River, giving lots of roads to drive on.

Failure to comply with the state laws in Connecticut requiring minimum limits for car insurance can lead to hefty fines, loss of driving privileges, or any of several other penalties. Drivers in the state should know that their insurance provider may inform the state of your policy cancellation as soon as an existing policy is canceled or lapses. In the state of Connecticut, drivers are responsible for damages that are caused while they are behind the wheel of the vehicle. Connecticut requires people to have a minimum amount of coverage to drive legally in the state.

There are many things that people do not know about Oklahoma, including that it is the home of the annual Big Foot Festival. Frequent sightings of Big Foot occur in Oklahoma, and if you are ever interested in joining the search, a car will be quite helpful. To drive legally in the state, however, drivers must have adequate automobile insurance.

New Jersey
Welcome to the diner capital of the world. In addition to having the most diners in the world, New Jersey also has the most shopping malls in one area in the world, with seven major shopping malls in a 25-mile radius. The state shares a border with the Atlantic coast, one that spans over 120 miles in length. New Jersey is known for its preserved buildings, beautiful nature, and laid-back personality.

With a lot of diversity that includes rivers, deserts, canyons, and snow-covered mountains, Colorado is a place for people who love nature. There is plenty to do when it comes to skiing, hiking, swimming, and taking in the fresh air that the state has to offer. There are also fantastic cities, like Denver, that have a relaxed culture and fantastic people.

New York
New York is known for being a state with fantastic wilderness and bustling cities. New York City is also known for its traffic, and no matter where you are in the state, a car accident has likely occurred. Automobile accidents can lead to heavy expenses. Whether you are looking to check out Broadway shows, see the best TV has to offer, or check out the gorgeous wilderness that is all over the state, and adequate automobile insurance policy is a must.

Did you know that California was once known as the Grizzly Bear State? It is also home to the tallest and oldest tree in the world. With an incredible history, including being a large part of the California Gold Rush, the state is located in the western United States and borders with the Pacific Ocean for over 800 miles. With varied terrain and a ton to see, including the home of the entertainment industry in Los Angeles, Hollywood, California, many people make their home here.

Texas is one of the states that has a high percentage of uninsured drivers, compared to the national average. This means there is a much higher likelihood that if you are in a car crash, the other driver will not have an insurance policy to help cover costs.

Delaware is one of the smallest states, but their laws in regards to automobile insurance are no small matter. Many drivers operating a motor vehicle that requires automobile insurance without it on a public road can face hefty fees and fines. Even with the minimum requirements for auto insurance coverage, many people find themselves wishing they had purchased more coverage.

Whether you are being pulled over or caught in an accident, having an insurance policy as required by law in the state of Kentucky is a smart plan.

Nevada is known for the bright and shiny lights in Las Vegas, as well as the incredible and picturesque mountainscapes. People love to ski there, walk the trails, and enjoy the many shows in Las Vegas. With so many things attracting people to it, it is no surprise that many people decide to move to the state. Whether you are looking for a cheaper auto insurance plan and you live in the state already, or are coming to live here for the first time, having a solid knowledge about the ins and outs of automobile insurance is critical.

Florida has the highest rate of drivers who are uninsured in the nation, which is one of the main factors that make its average insurance premiums so high. In fact, estimates are that more than one-quarter of all drivers in the state are uninsured. In addition, Florida has a lot of high-risk drivers, since there are a lot of older drivers and student drivers attending the state’s numerous colleges.

Rhode Island
As the smallest state in the country, many people do not think that driving is essential. Getting around in the state, and to other states, is vital for people living in Rhode Island, however. The total distance traveling from one side of the state to another is 48 miles from the North to the South and 37 miles from the east to the west. Rhode Island was the last of the original colonies to become a state.

Many people head to Louisiana for the Mardi Gras, to visit family, and to meet up with friends. For people who are living in the state; however, awareness about the requirements for driving legally is imperative. There are minimum requirements mandated by law for people who want to operate in the state. Insurance is necessary not only to drive in the state but also to register your vehicle there. The minimum limits for insurance are designed to help pay for costs you are responsible for if harm or damage comes to other people, their cars, or their property, in an accident you are deemed to be at fault for.

Michigan is the most expensive state for car insurance, and it has its insurance system to blame mostly. All drivers are forced to have Personal Injury Protection coverage, since it is a no-fault state. The PIP coverage is also unlimited and for someone’s lifetime, making the state’s premiums very high.